Mimi Kim is the founder of Creative Interventions and co-founder of INCITE! She has been a long-time activist, advocate and researcher challenging gender-based violence at its intersection with state violence and creating community accountability, transformative justice and other community-based alternatives to criminalization. As a second generation Korean American, she locates her political work in global solidarity with feminist anti-imperialist struggles, seeking not only the end of oppression but of the creation of liberation here and now. Mimi is also an Associate Professor of social work at California State University, Long Beach. Her recent publications include “The Carceral Creep: Gender-Based Violence, Race, and the Expansion of the Punitive State, 1973-1983” (2019) and “From Carceral Feminism to Transformative Justice: Women of Color Feminism and Alternatives to Incarceration” (2018). She is currently co-Editor-in-Chief of Affilia, a critical feminist social work journal.
About the Founder

For all academic publications, please see: ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Google Scholar.
2) Defund the Police: Moving Towards an Anti-Carceral Social Work.
6) VAWA @ 20: The Mainstreaming of the Criminalization Critique: Reflections on VAWA 20 Years Later.
8) Moving Beyond Critique: Creative Interventions and Reconstructions of Community Accountability.
9) Alternative Interventions to Intimate Violence: Defining Political and Pragmatic Challenges.
Webinars & Podcasts
Conversations, Talks and Insight
The Modern Roots of Transformative Justice. Video. Barnard Center for Research on Women. 2020.
Sexual Violence and Transformative Justice in Abolitionist Times. CalCASA. September 3, 2020.
What Does Justice Look Like for Survivors. Video. Barnard Center for Research on Women. 2020.
Justice Teams Network. #WeTakeCareOfUs. Webinar #7: Transformative Justice. July 24, 2020.
Transformative Justice in the Era of #DefundPolice. Conversation with Shira Hassan and Mimi Kim. Barnard Center for Research on Women. October 21, 2020.
Transformative Justice Visions and Praxis. UC Berkeley Women & Gender Studies. September 30, 2021. http://womensstudies.berkeley.edu/
Abolition Feminism: Celebrating 20 Years of INCITE! Barnard Center for Research on Women. April 30, 2020.
From Rapid Response to Transformative Justice Processes: Some Basics You Should Know. Just Practice. Steps to End Prisons & Policing: A Mixtape on Transformative Justice. Aug 1, 2020. Available for purchase below: