Relying on Community Organizations Instead of the Police | Isaac
Laying out a range of factors to consider, Isaac discusses why he and friends called a community organization rather than police when another friend is in crisis.
Resources for Everyday People to End Violence
Resources for Everyday
People to End Violence
Laying out a range of factors to consider, Isaac discusses why he and friends called a community organization rather than police when another friend is in crisis.
Rose’s older neighbor uses his status as a trusted community member to set up sexually abusive relationships with young girls in
When Maria finds out that her daughter had been sexually abused by her former partner, she takes public action to address
Rachael, an active member of the radical queer community in Australia, shares how personal experiences of sexual violence and political commitments
When “N” becomes financially abusive to her former partner “J”, friends try to hold “N” accountable by putting a club (steering
Laying out a range of factors to consider, Isaac discusses why he and friends called a community organization rather than police