Story Submission Form
StoryTelling & Organizing Project referred to as, “STOP” for the rest of this form, is happy to announce that we can now accept written, audio and video submissions via the form below. We are still working on a call-in submission line for the future.
We’ve tried to create a submission process that allow for the utmost privacy and anonymity if desired as well as options for being contacted or not. Instructions will be provided as you make your way through the submission process. To start all you need is a computer and smart phone.
You can explore the questions here or download and answer the questions in a word document below.
If you'd rather setup a time to be interviewed with us directly please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you!
For your privacy and our records please start by telling us what we can and can not do with this story.
Once you start this form it must be completed in one session. If you’d like to download the questionnaire and answer in the document you may do so by downloading above.
Explore table of contents
Story Consent:
- How long ago did this happen? (you can be as detailed as you wish)
- How did the action to start addressing this situation start? (include what situation led to the start of action, who started action, what happened) (you can be as detailed as you wish)
- Please describe your own involvement – how were you involved? (you can be as detailed as you wish)
- Please give more information about what happened and how the intervention moved forward (include whether this was a rapid response, or had a lot of steps – if you consider this a restorative justice or a transformative justice “process,” please say so and describe the process)
- Please describe key points when progress was made – what made progress possible? Please describe barriers – what were the specifics, for example, certain people and their actions, the police or fear of the police, gossip, people did not believe me or the survivor, people were too busy, etc.
- How would you best identify yourself?
-Survivor or victim
-Person who caused or was responsible for harm, abuse, or violence
-Friend, family, or community member helping out
-Other (please describe) - Can you please share other information about yourself?
-Age at the time this was taking place
-Sexuality - City or region where this took place (we will not share this information publicly)
- If you have not done so already, who are some of the main people who were involved in this – and what was their role? Please identify as much as you can or are comfortable, their age, gender, sexuality – relationship to the violence (for example, friend of the survivor, minister, etc.)
- Can you describe safety concerns and/or actual threats to safety – please be specific about who feared for their safety and who might have been a threat to safety? (for example, weapons involved, injuries or threats, threat of suicide, involvement or fear of police/ICE/child welfare system, losing reputation, losing job or housing, harm to children or pets, etc.)
- Is there any way that sharing this story publicly could increase danger for anybody? Please think carefully and describe.
- If so, how could this danger be minimized? (for example, leave out or change specific details, let people know that you are sharing this story, etc.)
- How would you consider this story to be successful? – please include your own opinion and opinions that other people might have had
- What were your biggest disappointments or what would you consider the biggest failures?
- What are your takeaways or lessons learned?
- Based upon your experience, how can we improve the way we respond to harm, abuse, or violence? What would you like to share with the public?
- Is there anything else you would like to share? Please do so below – you will also get another chance to let us know if and how you want us to follow up with you.
We at the STOP Project thank you so much for sharing this important story with us! Please see other stories shared at